Brb, Making Lemonade

Brb, Celebrating Achievements and Putting an End to Comparison

We're back with another Lemon episode where chat all about the importance of celebrating achievements, no matter the size. We also dive into how we can all stop comparing ourselves to others.

Listen in as we share advice sent in by our followers on Instagram in response to an amazing message we received for our advice segment.

We also talk about:
- Pro's and con's of being back in the office
- Social media detoxes
- Sweet & sour of the week as well as our favourite things
- Why we should look to other women for inspiration, rather than through a jealous/comparing lense

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Brb, Making Lemonade: @brbmakinglemonade
Lemon Collective Marketing Inc.: @lemon.collective
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Jaclyn: @jaclynmc
Julie: @juliekrystine