Brb, Making Lemonade
Brb, Making Lemonade
Brb, Learning About Essential Contracts & Easy to Understand Legal Advice for Entrepreneurs
In this week's episode we're chatting with Jaime Bell who is a business lawyer, entrepreneur, and founder of Contacts Market - which is an online shop offering a range of affordable, customizable, lawyer-approved contract templates designed specifically for Canadian business owners.
We chat in-depth with Jaime about common legal mistakes that entrepreneurs make, legal factors to keep in mind when planning your 2022 business resolutions, protecting your creative work online, and more.
In this episode you'll also hear about:
- The most important contracts you need for your business
- What to consider when hiring for your business
- Distinguishing between employees and contractors
- Getting your invoices paid
- Setting boundaries with client contracts
Connect with Jaime & Contracts Market:
Contracts Market Instagram
Contracts Market Website
Wild Coast Law Instagram
Wild Coast Law Website
Follow us!
Brb, Making Lemonade: @brbmakinglemonade
Lemon Collective Marketing Inc.: @lemon.collective
Shop: brbmakinglemonade.ca
Jaclyn: @jaclynmc
Julie: @juliekrystine